DSIP uses and benefits

DSIP otherwise known as delta sleep-inducing peptide is a naturally occurring neuropeptide, it was originally isolated from a rabbit brain in 1977. DSIP promotes a specific type of sleep, non-REM sleep also known as slow wave sleep. DSIP promotes healthy sleep regulation.


DSIP side effects

DSIP has the ability to promote or induce sleep in animals under laboratory conditions with few if any side effects such as redness or itching at site of injection and some minor dizziness. There are no known health risks associated with DSIP injections, especially when compared to traditional hormone-based sleep treatments when compared side by side in animal studies.


DSIP dosage

During trials, 0.1mL of DSIP injected subcutaneously once daily, one to two hours before sleeping garnered optimum results. Dose should be administered at least three hours after eating.

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Products from NG Peptides are for research purposes only and are not to be used for any other purpose including but not limited to; therapeutic, medical, veterinary, livestock or diagnostic purposes.